Know if it will work sooner, rather than later…
Capitol Stampings offers rapid prototyping services that will allow us to prove out designs and assure project accuracy. We can complete a rapid prototyping project in days versus the usual industry process that can take many weeks.
Through an unparalleled alliance we have access to five commercially-available rapid prototyping systems – stereolithography (SLA), laminated object manufacturing (LOM), selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modeling (FDM), Z-Corp processing.
A rapid scanning system also allows the automatic preparation of 3D data bases from laser scanning of any object, thereby making it possible to reproduce the object using RP systems. We use computer-based manufacturing techniques and complementary processes to reduce the time and cost of industrial products ranging from functional models to full-scale production.
When we run a rapid prototyping project you will have a component that you can actually touch, and insert into an assembly. We can make the finished item out of various densities so you can actually test it under the desired test loads.
Here are a few options where we can employ rapid prototyping:
Will it Work? If we are looking at a design that you think will achieve the desired results but we are not quite sure, run a sample through rapid prototyping that you can actually use in your assembly. If the part fits and it does the job, then we go into production.
Why are tolerances off? If you have a part that just seems to be troublesome and we think maybe a tweak in the design will cure the problem, then we can run a sample through the rapid prototyping department and put that part into play. If it cures the problem then we make the necessary changes and run the new parts.
Can we just get a sample? If you have a design project that just needs a few different parts prototyped just to prove out your theories, then let us run these through rapid prototyping for you. We don’t have to be the guys that eventually run this part for you and that’s OK. Our goal at Capitol Stampings goes “Beyond Components.”