
New 8 Head Spot Welder

As promised, here is an update on the latest of Capitol Stamping’s continuous improvements. In the end of the 4th quarter in 2012, we took delivery on a brand new, custom built, 8 Head Spot Welder from the T.J. Snow Company. The reputation of T.J. Snow led us to find the best piece of equipment that would replace our current welder and meet our list of desired features. The greatest need was to eliminate the operator hand feed and hand activation of each welded part, increase process time and of course get consistent quality welds from all eight heads.

On the new welder, the part is loaded into a part shuttle. The cycle is initiated and the machine automatically processes the components through the first and second set of welds without operator interaction, allowing the second part to stage for cycling. Once cycling is complete, the part can then be stacked, eliminating the hand finishing procedure that was necessary with the old welder.

The goal of quality and speed was achieved…going from a cycle time of 15 seconds down from the previous 35 seconds. As the old adage goes…time is money. With Capitol Stampings you save both… now how can we save for you?