Giving Back…
Capitol Stampings is very involved with GPS…and while you might think that it’s a direction finder, we see it in different terms…’navigating student success.’
Wisconsin’s Department of Workforce Development has created a wonderful School-to-Work program that we are proud to participate in. GPS delivers an innovative model to prepare students for the Technical Workforce through immersive, accelerated learning at local manufacturing companies. Students have the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and nationally recognized manufacturing certifications, by spending each day in a hands-on, blended learning setting where teachers relate academic subject matter to the work environment, and businesses provide structured training experiences that help students develop both manufacturing and employability skills.
When we were approached about this program for our Milwaukee area, we immediately said yes, seeing this as such a great opportunity to aid our community. We also went the extra mile to convert a portion of our facility to building a classroom education center where the students can learn in a clean, modern, stress-free environment.
Where there is effort, there is also usually reward. In addition to the immediate benefit from students becoming productive members of the workforce as apprentices, business partners such as Capitol Stampings have access to a qualified pool of credentialed talent.
Capitol Stampings is proud to participate in a program such as GPS, delivering an innovative education model to prepare students for success.